Candidate FAQs

Q1: How do I know who is running for office and what their party affiliation is?

Q2: Will there be any debates for local or state candidates representing me?

A1: Within a couple of weeks of an election, you can go to our LWV Stamford Voters Guide at . There you will see pictures of the candidates on our Stamford ballot, and what positions they are running for. Also, we ask each candidate several questions and you’ll find their answers by clicking on a candidate picture. Note that the League does not edit or interpret candidates’ responses. Answers are published as they are submitted, except that they will be cut off in mid-sentence if they go over our word limit. If there are no answers, then the candidate opted not to respond by the deadline. We also suggest you go to the Secretary of the State’s website where the current election’s town-by-town ballots will be posted.

A2: To find the dates and locations of any debates among your local or state candidates, check your local newspapers and media outlets, the LWV of Stamford Facebook page, and the LWV of CT Calendar.

©League of Women Voters of Stamford
Last edited October 14, 2020